find your why

“to bring people closer to themselves, each other, and nature so that we can enjoy life in harmony.”

The WHY is the purpose, cause, or belief that drives every one of us. Whether you are an entrepreneur, an employee, a leader of a team, or are looking to find clarity on your next move, your WHY is the one constant that will guide you toward fulfillment in your work and life. During the workshop or a personal session we go through the Find Your Why process and formulate your personal Why or the Why of your company or team.

* We have the blessing of Simon Sinek and his team to use their content. In this way, we not only help you but also advance the Start With Why cause.

Teams & companies

Knowing your Why of your company gives you a clear direction that helps you realize your company’s vision. The Why helps you to hire people who believe what you believe. It’s nice to know the Why of each individual team member so that they feel connected to the company on a deeper level.

The Why-basics

You learn the concepts behind Start With Why and discover which steps you can take by discovering your own or your company’s Why. We’ll provide some guidelines and activities so that you can continue the process of finding the Why of you or your company on your own.

• 1 to 2 hours
• Price and location are decided on together
• I'm based in the Netherlands but open to traveling

Why of the team or company

During this workshop, we’ll take the time to dig deeper to find and articulate the Why. In this case, we’ll focus on finding the shared Why of the company or team. What is your direction and what does your work all add up to? These are a few questions we’re going to uncover.

• 4 to 5 uren
• Price and location are decided on together
• I'm based in the Netherlands but open to traveling

Why of each team member

Each team has people with their own unique Why. It’s good to know your own and each other reason why you do the things you do. During this workshop, we’ll focus on finding the Why of each team member.

• 5 to 6 hours
• Price and location are decided on together
• I'm based in the Netherlands but open to traveling


Knowing your Why serves as a filter through which you can make choices.
The things you do are of greater meaning which gives you a sense of fulfillment.

Personal sessions

It’s also possible to do an individual Find You Why session for a maximum of three persons at a time. In this way, we keep it small and personal. In a two hour session, we’ll help you to start your Why discovery journey. You get some exercises to continue on your own. In a four hour session we’ll go through the whole process together and at the and you will have a rough Why statement.

*If you live outside the Netherlands, we’ll do the sessions online with a videocall

• Short session | ±2 hours | €80,- p.p. (excl. travel costs if needed)
• Extinsive session | ±4 hours | €155,- p.p. (excl. travel costs if needed)

Background info

Knowing your Why serves as a filter through which you can make choices.
The things you do are of greater meaning which gives you a sense of fulfillment.

My experience

In 2012 teachers showed me a TED-talk of Simon Sinek where he clearly explains the Golden Circle and Start With Why. Having seen this talk completely formed my path during my study. I obsessively tried to find my own why and every project was based on this subject matter. The mistake I made while formulating my Why, is that I was too focussed on what others would think of it and if it sounded cool and inspirational. Letting go of that obsession in combination with some key moments in my life I finally formulated a Why that suits me and that truly feels right.

“It’s my Why to bring people closer to themselves, each other, and nature so that we can enjoy life in harmony.”

From 2014 until 2016 I had the great fortune to work with Stephen Shedletzky of Simon’s team. Together we turned my infographic EDSO in action into what they are today. In 2016 I had the honor to meet Simon Sinek in person during an event in Zwolle.

A view highlights:
• A 2-day team sessions for a company in Italy
• Met Simon Sinek in Zwolle (NL)
• Spend a day with Stephen Shedletzky in Amsterdam (NL)
• Several workshops for the NHL Stenden University
• Workshop during the CMD-fest
• Presentation/ mini-workshop Leeuwarder uitdaging

Start with why

This is an explanation of the ‘Why’ from Simon Sinek’s website.

Every organization—and every person’s career—operates on three levels: what we do, how we do it, and why we do it. We all know what we do: the products we sell, the services we offer or the jobs we do. Some of us know how we do it: the things that we think make us different or stand out from the crowd. But very few of us can clearly articulate why we do what we do.

The WHY is the purpose, cause, or belief that drives every organization and every person’s individual career.

Having a clear sense of Why gives you direction in your life and makes it easier to make choices accordingly.

You can find the complete explanation here

* We have the blessing of Simon Sinek and his team to use their content. In this way, we not only help you but also advance the Start With Why cause.